Beyond Polus teeth whitening system

Your smile can become radiant and enchanting and give you more confidence – whitening with the BEYOND® system can give you a chance to smile!

Dantų balinimas Beyond sistema.

We are now using the BEYOND® Polus® halogen whitening lamp, which is the most advanced teeth whitening system available on the market today. BEYOND® Polus® Power Whitening is recognised worldwide as the safest and most effective way to whiten teeth.


With the BEYOND® Polus® system, the gums are covered with a protective material, and the teeth are coated with a high-tech whitening agent. Then the low-heat blue light of the BEYOND® lamp activates the whitening gel, which in turn activates the oxygen in the tooth, penetrates the enamel and dentine, and removes deep stains and discolouration, resulting in whiter teeth.

BEYOND® Polus® Power Whitening is recognised worldwide as the safest and most effective way to whiten teeth

We are now using the BEYOND® Polus® halogen whitening lamp, which is the most advanced teeth whitening system available on the market today. BEYOND® Polus® Power Whitening is recognised worldwide as the safest and most effective way to whiten teeth.


To achieve the best results from your whitening procedure you must have your teeth professionally cleaned by a hygienist before you begin.


Your smile can become radiant and enchanting and give you more confidence – whitening with the BEYOND® system can give you a chance to smile!

Pricelist of „Beyond®“ Polus teeth whitening system

1 pcs, Eur
    Whitening with Beyond Polus whitening system
    Deep cleaning (scale & polish)

Full pricelist and all the procedures available are displayed in clinic.

Gift card

Purchasing a gift voucher might be a good idea.

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Contact us

K. Donelaičio st. 67-1, Kaunas LT-44245
I-V 8.00 – 18.00 (8am-6pm)
+370 615 33100

    Name and Surname




    Odontologijos Klinika Kaune - Viadenta