Teeth whitening

Smile to yourself, the world and your loved ones!

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Your smile says a lot about you and plays an important role in the first impressions other people get from you. Healthy smile makes you feel better and boosts your self-esteem.

Teeth whitening can be a very effective way of lightening the natural colour of your teeth without removing any of the teeth surface. It cannot make a complete colour change, but it may lighten the existing shade. To achieve the best results from your whitening procedure you must have your teeth professionally cleaned by a hygienist before you begin. This will allow the whitening products to work more effectively by removing build-ups of plaque and tartar that may be present on your teeth.

Teeth whitening methods

There are several teeth whitening methods available at our practice. Our dentists will be able to advise you of the most suitable option for you.


Teeth whitening methods:

However, if your teeth are stained or otherwise discoloured, you certainly won’t feel comfortable about revealing them with a beaming grin. There are several causes of teeth discolouration including: food and drink (tea, coffee, colas, wines and certain fruit and vegetables), smoking or chewing tobacco. Several diseases and medications, heredity conditions, dental traumas and age can cause teeth staining and affect enamel colour. Having bright, white teeth is something we all aspire to. And thanks to professional teeth whitening treatment, it’s an achievable dream.


The whitening effect depends on many factors – teeth structure, shade, enamel thickness, age, enamel, personal hygiene, saliva structure, harmful habits, other important factors and effect for each person is different and individual.

Beyond Polus whitening system

Beyond Polus whitening system – the end results is a combination of two powerful light sources and ultrasonic technology with wavelengths, providing patients with an effective whitening treatment. Beyond Polus could give reasonable whitening results and is may be effective if you have visible and ough stains from food, drinks or cigarrettes. Beyond Polus could bring the teeth back to as naturally white as they can be but it cannot make a complete colour change; it may only lighten the existing shade.

In-office teeth whitening

During in-office teeth whitening, the gums are covered with a special protective material, and then a whitening gel is applied to the teeth and activated by a diode light, which reaches the deep layers of the teeth and whitens them.

Home teeth whitening

Impressions for individual teeth whitening trays that match the shape of the teeth are produced in a dental laboratory. The whitening trays are custom made according to these dental impressions.

Laser teeth whitening

Laser teeth whitening is a popular and fast teeth whitening procedure. When teeth are whitened using laser, whitening is deep – whitening material activated by laser reach not only enamel, but also dentin. Laser whitening is said to make teeth few shades lighter.

Caring for your teeth after a whitening treatment

Regular deep cleaning (scale & polish) is a must. In addition to brushing your teeth, be sure to floss and clean your tongue to get rid of the bacteria that accumulates and that can both change the colour of and damage your teeth. After whitening treatment, you should refrain from smoking and avoid darkly pigmented foods and drinks in order to preserve the whitening results. For 24 hours after whitening treatment, avoid putting very hot and very cold food in your mouth at the same time.


Each whitening method can have an individual effect, so the same procedure can yield different results for different people. The whitening effect depends on many factors that are different for everyone: age, enamel structure, teeth vitality, the whitening method, personal hygiene, eating habits, and so on.


During treatment, some people may experience increased teeth sensitivity, which may disappear within a few days of completing the whitening treatment. Teeth sensitivity can be reduced by using special products.


Whitening is not recommended if you are under 18 years of age, are pregnant or lactating, have dental tissues that are damaged by caries, severely worn down or sensitive, have gum disease, are allergic to peroxide, or are wearing braces.

Pricelist of teeth whitening

1 pcs, Eur
    Whitening with Beyond Polus whitening system
    In-Office teeth whitening
    Home teeth whitening trays
    Home teeth whitening trays + 1 pc 3 mg or 2 pcs whitening gel 1.2 mg
    Teeth whitening gel
    Laser Teeth Whitening

Full pricelist and all the procedures available are displayed in clinic.

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Purchasing a gift voucher might be a good idea.

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Contact us

K. Donelaičio st. 67-1, Kaunas LT-44245
I-V 8.00 – 18.00 (8am-6pm)
+370 615 33100

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